it's fun being young in korea

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Inner Buddha

the nunnery of un mun sa was very very interesting. they shave their heads and all seem to be very small.

the big building in this picture is the temple. the building to its right is the place where we slept (boys and girls separate) and at 3 am we trudged over to the temple. the nuns bow 108 times. i tried it but the pants i was wearing weren't really suited to it so i gave up. then we were given a meditation lesson. but i kept falling asleep. i could never be a buddhist nun. but i am so glad i got the experience. it is one thing to know that buddhist monks and nuns strike a very large bell to announce that it's time for worship at the temple. it's quite another when you actually are awoken from a sound sleep at 3 am by the sound of a very large bell. i think i contacted my inner buddha.


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Young7283 said...

jillian is wondering if you are now Korean...
after all you are starting to look like one...
miss you!

At 12:45 PM, Blogger Scoticus said...

did you shave your head, ms. parker?


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